
Literacy / English

At Millen Primary School we are committed to supporting every child to achieve their potential.  Our literacy planning is aligned to the Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2016-2019 with Business Plan targets based on NAPLAN and On-entry data.

We have developed a consistent approach to the teaching and learning of English across year levels which includes:

  • an English block structure
  • a writing approach reflecting the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, the Western Australian Curriculum English and First Steps literacy strategies
  • an evidence-informed ECE approach

Classroom programs at Millen support the progress of all students through a range of teaching strategies including goal setting, providing targeted feedback and differentiated teaching.  Individual students are supported with documented plans developed by teachers in consultation with parents.

Our teacher development strategy delivers whole staff, small group and individual professional learning with our English learning area leader providing both planning and in-class support to teachers.

We measure the effectiveness of our teaching and learning program through analysis of a range of data, and continually use this information to guide on-going development of our teaching and learning strategies.


Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines


PP Reading and Writing Achievement Standard

Year 1 Reading and Writing Achievement Standard

Year 2 Reading and Writing Achievement Standard

Year 3 Reading and Writing Achievement Standard

Year 4 Reading and Writing Achievement Standard

Year 5 Reading and Writing Achievement Standard

Year 6 Reading and Writing Achievement Standard

At home with spelling

Raising a reader booklet