
Numeracy / Mathematics

At Millen Primary School all teachers plan for the best possible outcomes for every child in mathematics. Individual students are supported to show maximum progress and high levels of achievement.

We have a whole school inquiry-based approach to mathematics where students are required to think hard and explore new concepts. The teachers provide explicit explanations and make the learning objectives clear to all students at the beginning of each lesson. The learning experiences are purposeful and stimulate thought and inquiry. The students experience opportunities for individual and collaborative learning, and during maths sessions students can achieve their objectives in a safe and fair environment.

Millen students and staff work to improve each student’s fast recall of basic facts in mathematics. Fluency is an integral part of every maths lesson throughout the school. We believe that when students know their basic facts, they are more likely to have a positive attitude to learning and are able to focus on more complex problem solving tasks.

Assessment in integral part of teaching and learning at Millen. Feedback is given to the students regularly, and teachers highlight the successes and improvements needed to assist students in achieving their goals. Class-based assessments and whole-school assessments form the basis of teacher judgements in relation to the Western Australian Curriculum Standards.

Teachers develop case management plans for students not achieving the specific skills and objectives being taught. Students who are excelling are given opportunities to extend their understanding through inquiry-based investigations and maths extension opportunities.

Staff, students and parents work in partnership to assist students to achieve their academic potential.

Maths Extension Program

The Maths Extension program takes place one day a week for half hour after school. The learners selected are those working above the expected level in maths, evidenced from their reports, NAPLAN results and sample assessments, and who have a keen interest in attending the program.

They are supported in extending their knowledge by learning new maths concepts and applying them to real life situations.

The learners engage in a variety of practical mathematical problem-solving activities such as:

  • Exploring word problems and sharing strategies
  • Covering class topics in greater depth
  • Exploring a range of influential mathematicians and study their contributions to our world