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LOTE (Language Other Than English)

In the Japanese program, students develop Japanese language skills through their participation in a range of activities such as games, songs, dance and use of technology. Students learn to greet, introduce themselves, have simple conversations and use commonly used phrases to create role-plays.

The Japanese program at Millen Primary School aims to enable students to;

  • communicate effectively when speaking and writing in Japanese
  • read and write some Japanese characters
  • increase their understanding of the systematic nature of Japanese and of language in general
  • acquire cognitive, affective and sociocultural skills which may be transferable to other areas of learning
  • further develop self-awareness and a sense of personal and cultural identity
  • increase their awareness of the multilingual and multicultural nature of Australian and world societies
  • develop communication strategies and decoding strategies
  • express, discuss, clarify and respond to emotions, ideas, opinions, values and beliefs

We cater for different learning styles through the use of technology, making crafts and singing. Students learn about cultural traditions, such as food, festivals, arts, music, sports and national icons. Students have an opportunity to experience authentic traditional Japanese clothing, toys and games. They also learn about Japanese modern culture, such as technology, fashion and cartoons.