Pre Primary – Year 6 Enrolments
Millen Primary School is currently a local intake area school. This means the school’s enrolment procedures align with the Department’s procedures for local intake area schools.
New enrolment applications are accepted on the basis of:
- Reside in intake area
- Out of area but with a sibling already at the school
- Out of area with no sibling (only if availability and approved by the Principal)
Special Needs
Parents of children with special needs are asked to contact the school to discuss these needs when the Application for Enrolment has been approved, to ensure that the most appropriate program is in place to meet the student’s needs.
Application Procedure:
- Download and complete the Application for Enrolment form and submit it along with the required documents listed in the form. The form can be emailed to: or dropped into the school office.
- Once accepted you will be required to complete enrolment procedures at the school. At this time, parents should bring any relevant medical information, Family Court Orders or Parenting Plans if applicable.
- If your Application for Enrolment is not accepted, and you disagree with the school’s decision, you can appeal to the South Metropolitan District Education Office. Prior to submitting an appeal, however, it is recommended that you contact the school principal to discuss your grievance informally.
Download the editable PDF, complete form on computer, save file, then email it to the Administration Office as an attachment.
This is an application only and not a confirmed enrolment to attend Millen Primary School.

Enrolment From to be completed after application has been accepted
Editable Enrolment Form Download the PDF, complete form on computer, save file, then email it to us as an attachment.
Form 1 – Student Health Care Summary Download the PDF, complete form on computer, save file, then email it to us as an attachment.