P&C Association

The P&C meets monthly and is a major contributor to the efficient running of the school. P&C Associations are directed under the Education Act towards two major aims:

  • To promote the interest of the school by endeavouring to bring about a close co-operation between parents, other citizens and teachers; and
  • The provision of facilities and amenities and other education needs not provided directly by the Government.

The Annual General Meeting of the P&C Association is held in Term 1, and General Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7.00pm (or as set out on the school’s Calendar. We actively encourage parents to attend and participate.

The Uniform Shop coordinates the ordering, pricing & sale of the approved Millen Primary School uniform. It also facilitates the sale of second hand uniforms.

The canteen currently operates one day a week on a Friday.  Orders can be placed via the QuickCliq site.

The P&C organise a number of school approved fundraising and social events over the school year. Funds raised through the year are donated back to the school for resources and equipment which directly benefit the school community.

Executive Committee Members

President:  Mick Collins
Vice President:  Cherie Elder
Treasurer:  Paula Simpson
Secretary:  Anna Redman
Exec committee members:  Elissa Borbely, Lynsey Ross, Chantelle Parsons

Subcommittees: Uniform – Gillian Croft and Catherine Finch / Millen Dads – Steve Feast, Steve Ball and Mick Collins

P&C Constitution

P&C Association Constitution 2019

How Can You Help?

We encourage all parents and carers to become an active Member and come along to P&C meetings; volunteer in the canteen or uniform shop; coordinate a social or fundraising event or simply help out at one of the P&C organised events during the school year (for example, the Mother’s Day/ Father’s Day stalls & Election Day sausage sizzles).

To join the Millen P&C Association, please complete the Membership form and drop it into the P&C box in the school office.

P&C Contacts

The President – concerns, ideas, feedback, how to help – millenpandcpresident@gmail.com
The Uniform Shop – uniformshopmps@gmail.com
The Canteen – canteenmps@outlook.com
Millen Dads (The Fathering Project) – millendads@gmail.com

P&C Bank Details

General Account
BSB:  066 106
Account:  0090 0098

Uniform Shop
BSB:  066 106
Account:  1004 7285
(When making a payment, please include your child’s last name and initial in the reference.)